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Saturday 28 January 2012

Busy Little Crafter

Good Afternoon

Another blog, I have been busy this week!

Today I quite surprised myself, I have made 2 bags.  I have been putting off bags as they look quite hard to make.  I bought some cute material last year to make a bag for my sis in law but didnt have the time and to be honest, was a bit nervous about making them.  But after being shown this tutorial Hobo Bag I though it didnt look to hard. 

Here is my first one for ds2 to put his hat/scarf/gloves in rather than on the stairs.

So as that one didnt take as long as I thought it would, even with having to pack everything away so the kids could have lunch on the table, i made one for DD.  I need a bigger house so I can have my own craft room!  Anyway, this is the material I bought for the linning of my sis in laws bag.  I have loads left to might have to make a bag for me out of it! :D

Might do a bit of crochet now (must get Hello Kitty finished) as hubby on ps3 then watching the footy and the kids are oddly entertaining themselves without fighting! :o

Sal x

Friday 27 January 2012

Nearly the End of the Month Already!


Wow, is anyone else shocked at how quick this month has gone?  I had decided that I would made 1 Chirstmas/birthday present a month and I have very nearly failed in the first month.

But I did make myself a bracelet last night.  This is my first attempt...

As you can see, its very uneven.  So my second attempt.....

This one is slightly more even  but i think the gold is quite hard to work with.  I do like my bling button on it though! :D

So back to my Chirstmas/birthday presents.  I tried to start a pikachu for my son as he loves pokemon and then discovered i have no yellow wool left.  So started on a Hello Kitty for my daughter instead.  I have done around 12 rounds.  But in my defence, tonight is pizza and film night so kids up late and I am drinking wine and we are on our second rubbish film that will probably get turned off in a minute like the last one! :D

I will be back  before 1st Feb with the finished Hello Kitty (I hope).

Sal x

Tuesday 24 January 2012

No Wool..... :(

Good Evening

After running out of wool yesterday when making my head band, I went hunting today.  I went to the shop I bought it from originally and another shop I have since seen it in.  Neither had it.  Ok, not so much of a hunt really.   After pondering on this predicament I remembered something my mum had given me so off I went to the back of the cupboard under the stairs and buired within a huge sack was this.

It can be crocheted with the wool.   But would it look ok.  The hair band is red with red sparkly bits.  This would make a red (normal red) with blue bits.  More pondering was needed......

So back to the dinosaur.  Eyes finished and here he is.  He is like the one I made my son for xmas but smaller.  Must have used a smaller crochet hook.

And now to my flower, I thought I would give it a go.  You cant see very well in this picture but it has blue flecs, although it looks oddly pink.

Finally it is sewn onto the hair band.  Do excuse my hair, been tied up all day DIYing so a bit scraggly.

I am happy with it and it is red, honest, not sure why it keeps coming out pink.  But I will be looking out for more red sparkly wool. :D

Sal x

Monday 23 January 2012

Spoiling Myself

Hello All

Thank you for dropping in.

I am spoiling myself  at the moment.  After the crochet part of a green dinosaur was finished (pictures will be on as soon as I have finished his eyes) I decided to make wrist warmers.  After starting them I realised I would not have enough wool to finish.  So after unravelling the bit I had done I decided to use the same stitch to make myself a head band.  Luckily I got to this size before the wool ran out.

I do feel, however, there is something missing.  So next time I am out shopping I need to buy more red/sparkly wool and make a HUGE flower for the side.

Wonder what I can make myself next.............

Sal x

Thursday 19 January 2012

Another Scarf

Afternoon all

After making that scarf the other night, I made another one last night.  I love them, they are so easy to make and I think look quite good.  I have worn my new red one all day and had a few comments on how nice it is (mostly from people who have seen on facebook and are amazed I made it from one of hubbies t-shirts)  but hubby is right, it isnt warm!!!! lol

and here I am.  Its bigger than the yellow one as the t-shirt was 2X's bigger.  Think I prefere my red one. :D 

Must go and search my t-shirts as I need to make a mini one for my daughter if I have a suitable t-shirt!

Sal x

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Scarf Anyone....

Good Morning All

I have been busy with college work (ok, that's a lie, I have done a bit of college work and nothing much else really).  But one of my mum friends on netmums posted about this scarf she wanted to make.  The tutuorial is here diy-t-shirt-scarf

So que me raiding hubby's waldrobe.  I found a pale yellow t-shirt and made this.....

For the beads I raided my daughters jewellery making kit, and yes I will replace them but will prettier ones so she wont mind.  I have also found a red t-shirt of hubbies and some bright plastic beads (again thanks to my daughter)  so that will be something for me to make tonight! :D

And here's me wearing the scarf.  To which hubby replied "well that wont keep you warm will it".  Not sure he approves of my new use for his t-shirts!!!! lol

See you soon.

Sal x

Tuesday 10 January 2012

No New Crafts

Hello Everyone

I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas and New Year.

I havent made anything since being home as, well, looking for inspiration and had to get a bit of college work done (which I have just finished).  But I just wanted to share this picture of my daughter wearing her lovely new party dress and the shrug I crocheted her.  Her make up was put on by her older cousin and she loved being pampered.  Well it was for a new year party.  She will have to wait for the next new year before wearing make up again!!! lol

After new year we went to Centre Parcs for a week.  It was so much fun if a little tiring.  When we turned up they still had all the Christmas lights.  There were lit up reindeer everywhere and these trees which the kids loved.  My oldest had to be in on the photo.

And finally, here is the back yard the kids have had for a week.  Shame it rained so they didnt get out there much to play.  But when they did they loved it.  And we saw rabbits, squirrels, pheasants and a deer.  :D

But everything comes to an end.  And after a week of swimming, bowling, walking and spotting animals we are home.  School has started and I am cleaning and decluttering the house.  I really need to find room for all the toys the kids got.

I am now looking for my next project.  Should really be an Christmas present to put away for next year.  So either a pink dinosaur or a hello kitty.  But I would like to try something new......

Hopefully back soon with some new makes.

Sal x